It's all about the fire... We all stare at the dancing flames, hypnotic as they are. if you could read them they would be telling their own story and adventures! Taking time out from the treadmill of work and life is fundamental in maintaining a balanced healthy mind and body, People from all walks of life experience traumas and conflict which can have a detrimental effect on our mental and physical health, which in turn is then put to one side but boils away within us without us sometimes knowing, ready to explode at any trigger affecting close family, friends, relationships, work and unconsciously ourselves!
There are endless studies into how the great outdoors can benefit us from around the globe, here in the UK there has been a pioneering new study highlighting the benefits of going for a walk, being outside, and in the fresh air.
Some call it Eco-therapy, letting the natural environment in and being engulfed within its superior wonderfulness, then fending for oneself…nothing is judgemental in the outdoor environment! We're all equal. Furthermore, mastering new challenges in a collaborative environment boosts self-esteem and social skills. Individuals of all ages can benefit from Adventure and the outdoors, it's proven to be an effective tool for overcoming a wide range of mental health challenges. As a result, adventure Therapy offers ways to care for mental illness for people recovering from eating disorders, and post-traumatic stress disorder, Additionally, it is a powerful anxiety and depression treatment approach. It can also help those who are working to come to terms with a personal loss. As well, Adventure Based Therapy can add an exciting and productive element to family or relationship therapy.
Building on and considering all this research, thoughts, and findings of others together with personal experiences of prolonged exposure to the outdoors Woodland Xperiences was created, to assist with Post Traumatic Growth.
At Woodland Xperiences the fire is the focal point…however we can’t just watch it we have to create it to make it ours..yours..make it belong. The skills are taught to to use different methods of fire lighting from the days of old..natural to our predecessors, but forgotten among our busy life styles of today. Utilising our other woodland and adventurous activities a neutral conversational environment is created allowing past and present experiences to be shared (sometimes for the first time) "While throwing axes my mind was taken away from current issues, relaxing I was able to share my thoughs with the rest of the group who were very supportive and offerd loads of guidance. It was great to just share! During the 24 hours I made new brothers and sisters for future support. Can't wait to meet them again at another camp" P. Dixon (veteran)